At that point you can browse all the costumes you’ve unlocked in the game and select one to wear in-game. How To Change Costumes?: Go to Peter Parker’s room in Aunt May’s home (where you start the game or can get to via the open-world Metro) and walk up to his clothing closet until you get the “Examine Wardrobe” prompt, and you’ll be shown what costumes you can wear. How To Unlock All The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Costumes
Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Combat Challenges Guide.Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Audio Logs & Jameson’s Photos Locations Guide.Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Trophies Guide.Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Achievements Guide.Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Cheats.Next Page: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Walkthrough.This Page: How To Unlock All The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Costumes.